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Sculptor Pierre Santos constructs humanoid figures that traverse cultures and history

With his love of fantasy the Ocean, nature and afro futuruism. Pierre’s sculptures blur fact and legend, fiction and reality, creation and myth to create truly hybrid, original art pieces. The consistent motif in his work is the third eye chakra from Hinduism and the ways in which is signifies the subconscious mind revealing insights about the future.

Stemming from a fascination with comics and fantasy, Pierre has collected sci fi memorabilia from a young age. His interest in sci-fi soon evolved into an art form which has led him to creating original pieces of his own, incorporating his child hood influences while adding in aspects of his new inspirations. Much like Mary Shelleys Victor Frankenstein, who gave life to a humanoid from non-living matter, Pierre takes from myth, legend and religions of old and pieces fragments of each together into new transformative identities.

One consistent motif across all his sculptures is the prominent third eye at on the forehead of the pieces. When talking about this, Pierre tell us " whilst our own eyes can see the material world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights of the future helping people receive messages from past present in future. With this in mind I’d thought I’d take it up another level and in my world it takes a more palpable form where eyes are seen as a medal - a badge of honour".

Often referred to as gyananakashu”, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment in Buddist and Hindu cultures. In certain Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, the third eye is the gate that leads the followers within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. "The more eyes you have represents a hierarchy of how far you have come on your spiritual journey and understanding within yourself" Pierre tell us, "I think as people we are constantly on a journey of self discovery and it doesn’t end in this life or the next".

As seen through Pierre's sculptures, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows. His process involves archiving imagery ranging from ancient art, diverse cultures, alternative religions and spirituality, and drawing inspiration and guidance to create pieces that speak to world of histories and cultures.

View more of his work here.

Words by Aisha Ayoade

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Ed Gentry
Ed Gentry
Jun 25, 2021

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